Becoming A Village Home


Personal Qualifications


Resident of Central Alberta (including Edmonton and Red Deer north). Must have resided in Canada for minimum of 10 years.


Have the maturity and stability appropriate to assume the responsibilities presented by fostering.  No major illness or trauma in the past 12 months; a positive medical report is required. Have a minimum of two years stability in your existing relationships.

Physical Space

Have a home that is structurally sound and safe with adequate sleeping, eating and storage space; a separate bed for each child. Foster children may share a bedroom, but not a bed. Foster children cannot share a bedroom with your own children.

Marital Status

Any stable & mature adult regardless of marital status may apply. Cohabiting applicants must be in a stable relationship for at least 5 years prior to applying.


Minimum age: 25, preferably with a history of child care training/experience. Maximum age: determined by the best interests of the child. Younger applicants may be considered, depending on experience and available support systems.


Applicants must be physically and mentally capable of meeting the child's needs, as well as keep up with all the duties required of a foster parent. There should have been no major illness or trauma in the past 12 months.  A medical reference is required

Financial Circumstances

Applicants should be living within their means financially. Foster parents receive maintenance payments for the care of the foster child, although they are insufficient to be relied upon as regular family income.


Cribs, playpens, and children's toys must meet current safety standards. Medications and drugs must be locked up. Firearms are to be trigger locked; ammunition is locked separately. Property and vehicles are adequately insured, including personal liability coverage. The foster family must be willing to use universal safety precautions, to minimize the risk of transmission of diseases.

Security Checks

Applicant must provide a satisfactory children’s services Intervention Record Check and a police Criminal Record Check. A criminal record or previous children’s services involvement does not necessarily exclude you from approval. 


Satisfactory references from three people who have known you for at least three years, one of which must be a relative. We prefer references that have knowledge of your family life and parenting abilities. A school reference will be required if you have school age children.


Applicants must complete 24 hours of Pre-Service Training. A commitment to on-going training is essential.


Above average communication skills, flexibility, adaptability, and ability to work as part of a professional team is important. Applicants require a repertoire of child rearing skills and be willing to parent foster children without the use of physical discipline. This is important because of the trauma that many children have experienced from physical and sexual abuse.

Family Values and

Personality Traits

Commitment to family values; Willingness to share time and resources; Committed to a high quality of life and on-going self improvement. Possess a tough skin and soft heart. Ability to see success in small steps. Ability and willingness to work with professional from a variety of disciplines. Peacemaker. Advocate.